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How to Pronounce a number that can be counted on one's fingers?

Correct pronunciation for the word "a number that can be counted on one's fingers" is [ɐ nˈʌmbə ðat kan biː kˈa͡ʊntɪd ˌɒn wˈɒnz fˈɪŋɡəz], [ɐ nˈʌmbə ðat kan biː kˈa‍ʊntɪd ˌɒn wˈɒnz fˈɪŋɡəz], [ɐ n_ˈʌ_m_b_ə ð_a_t k_a_n b_iː k_ˈaʊ_n_t_ɪ_d ˌɒ_n w_ˈɒ_n_z f_ˈɪ_ŋ_ɡ_ə_z].

What is the adjective for a number that can be counted on one's fingers?

The adjective form of the word "a number that can be counted on one's fingers" is "countable".

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