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How to Pronounce dean?

Correct pronunciation for the word "dean" is [dˈiːn], [dˈiːn], [d_ˈiː_n].

Definition of dean

  1. An ecclesiastical dignitary in cathedral and collegiate churches, and the head of a chapter; an officer in each college of the English universities; the head of a faculty in a university. Dean and chapter, a bishop's council to aid him with their advice in the spiritual and temporal concerns of his see. Rural dean, one who has the ordering of ecclesiastical affairs in a remote part of a diocese. Dean of guild, in Scotland, originally the head of a guildry, and, as such, a member of the municipality of a royal burgh, now a magistrate whose duty it is to see to the security of buildings, &c. The dean of faculty, the head of the faculty of advocates in Scotland.

Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language By Nuttall, P.Austin

What are the misspellings for dean?

What are similar-sounding words for dean?

What is the adjective for dean?

The adjective form of the word "dean" is "deanly".

Usage over time for dean:

This graph shows how "dean" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of dean?

The plural of the "dean" can be the "deans".

What is the singular form of dean?

The singular of the "dean" can be the "dean".

Synonyms for Dean:


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